Smuggler's Inn Diner

American Restaurant Burger Restaurant Mexican Restaurant
The hottest American Tex-Mex Diner in Katowice City-Center - Poland. Wings, Ribs, Burgers, American Beers, Handcrafted Cocktails & lots of Sports, Music & Fun! Stuff of Legends!
60% of our Online Reviews considers us either the Best Burgers in Town (About 40% of reviews), Best in Poland (About 5% of reviews) or even the best in the world (About 4% of reviews). Most Americans who visits have the steady opinion that it is as good as it is at home, Some even considers it better. We hope to always be up to your expectations �

Smuggler's Inn Diner contact


address: Staromiejska 11, Ground Floor, 40-013 Katowice, Poland

Smuggler's Inn Diner opening hours

  • Monday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Tuesday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Wednesday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Thursday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Friday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday close

Smuggler's Inn Diner ratings

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Smuggler's Inn Diner information

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Wandering guests can come



price category:

$$ mid price

Smuggler's Inn Diner facebook posts

Today's offer: Free Fries or Buffalo Wings with every Burger

Smuggler's Inn Diner, 2020.12.16.


Which of our Burgers is this (Hint: Only Burger with Fresh Celery)

The first 3 answers gets:

1- 50% Discount on Delivery or (60% on Pickup)
2- 40% Discount on Delivery (50% on Pickup)
3- 30% Discount on Delivery (40% on...

Smuggler's Inn Diner, 2020.11.07.

10% Students Discount also works on Delivery Starting today And don't forget, a free drink (Soda, Iced Tea, Juice...) with every Burger

Plz let us know on the Phone before we make your Bill in case you will use your Student Card.

Smuggler's Inn Diner, 2020.11.06.


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